"Swim for Autism" Parent Letter

Hey Paul,

I just wanted to give you a huge THANK YOU from Sharon, Ian and myself.

It's not very often that we meet others that think about people they didn't even meet yet and plan special life changing events for them. That's you Paul. And you're doing that in the midst of your own difficulties and challenges. Wow, just wow.

Words cannot express how grateful we are. As you saw, Ian, on his last day of swim instruction, learned how to swim. HE LEARNED HOW TO SWIM!! Omg, I don't even know what to say.

Thank you, thank you for your efforts and your endeavor to help others. Those wonderful thoughts you had at one point have manifested into an incredible milestone in my son's life. And mine.

I look forward to a lifelong friendship. Just like you're there for others, I am here if you ever need anything.

Again, thank you for all have done. You have my admiration and respect.

Your friend,


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