I have great news to share!


Hope your summer is off to a great start. Ours certainly is. I have great news to share! Today was Jon’s first day of the summer at camp. He took the swim test to evaluate his level and tested out of the shallowest end of the pool into the next deepest section (the pool is broken up onto 4 sections). In order to pass the test he had to do 10 bobs, swim underwater for a certain number of seconds and float on his back. Last year it took almost all summer for him to take the test. The year before he wouldn’t do it. Greg and I are so proud of him! The time he spent in the pool taking lessons with Team Hope has definitely built up his confidence in the water. Thank you and the volunteer coaches for everything you do. Your efforts make a such a big difference. Jon’s test and outcome today are proof of that!

I’ve attached a picture of him running off the bus to show Greg his green swim bracelet. I thought you’d appreciate the smile on his face.

Have a fun and restful summer!

Best regards,


Thankful for this opportunity...

We are so thankful for this opportunity for our son to have these horseback riding lessons! He is enjoying it so much and it’s all because of Autism Radio making it possible!

He gets so excited and we love hearing his giggles when he is able to make the horse “trot “!

Thank you Autism Radio for helping this boy be more confident and develop a love for horses now.

Mary P

Words cannot express our gratitude...

Words cannot express our gratitude for the changes Autism Radio has made possible for Tyler. First this wonderful organization has granted my son an iPad several years ago, and now they are funding him private school. This school has made my son excel in ways I never thought possible. They focus on social skills, and a way of learning he can understand and relate to. Lake Pointe Academy in granbury Texas deserves so much recognition for the lives they have changed. Tyler recieved an opportunity to try it out and for the last few months, he has made changes and excelled in ways I never thought possible . The picture of him he just finished his first athletic race in his entire life. He's never been active and the school system has failed to help him in that department, but Lake pointe has taught him to strive for excellence. I am confident the donation Autism Radio has made will make life long changes in my son's life. I am completely in awe of the blessings you have bestowed upon our family and sincerely thank you from the bottom of my heart. The school system has left my son behind, but thanks to organizations like yours my son has a second chance at life. 

Nina R., autism mom

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