Show#357 Interview with Joel Manzer founder of Autisable

Please listen in tonight to our latest podcast and radio show "Hope Saves The Day" where your Host Paul Cimins interviews founder of Https:// Joel Manzer.

About Autisable

Autisable is a community-based website that connects anyone who wants to discuss any topic associated with autism.

In 2008, Autisable was launched as part of the, LLC network of blogging community sites, in an effort to provide an avenue for people to share their journey with Autism.    The Xanga Team asked Joel Manzer to head up the site, as he has a son that is diagnosed as being on the autism spectrum.

For the first 6 years, Autisable grew in traffic and engagement with the community, connecting over a hundred bloggers and several national and international non-profits that reached over 30,000 unique IP’s worldwide and over a hundred thousand page views a month.

Then in 2014, Xanga shelved it’s proprietary platform and old business model, which left Autisable on life support for over a year and a half.

In August of 2016, Joel Manzer created Autisable, LLC – based in Virginia Beach, VA,  a company that eventually took ownership of

With its redesign, Autisable is now able to continue its efforts to connect the autism community.

Autism is a disorder of neural development characterized by impaired social interaction and communication, and by restricted and repetitive behavior.  But over the years we’ve discovered that it’s much more than that….

We encourage discussion surrounding all aspects of Autism/Aspergers, and associated issues surrounding those with Special Needs.

Our goal is to create a community of individuals with various viewpoints surrounding the controversies of Autism and to give back to the Autism community through donations to organizations that help the Autism Community. As the Autisable community grows, so will our ability to donate to these organizations.

Here is a list of ways that you can be involved in the Autisable community:

  1.  Join Autisable – You don’t have to have Autism or have a family or friend with Autism in order to be a part of the Autisable Community. By participating in the Autisable community you are helping to spread awareness and understanding of Autism, and we appreciate your support and encouragement.
  2. Submit a post to Autisable. Once you’ve written something you’d like to share with the community, send it our way! The editors of Autisable thoughtfully choose the best posts and feature them on the front page!
  3. Read other posts and comment on them. The dialogue that develops on the posts we feature is the heart of the Autisable community and is by far the best way to interact with other members of the community!

You may subscribe to our RSS Feed, follow us on Twitter and become a fan of us on Facebook! We embrace social networking, and we know you won’t always have time to check the front page each day. We also can come to you via E-Mail. We use these tools to let you know what posts we’re featuring so you can best decide what posts you’d like to read and discuss.

Mailing Address:
PO BOX 62155
Virginia Beach, VA 23466


Show #353 - The Most Exhausting Part of Raising an ASD Individual is...

Please listen in tonight to our latest addition of "Hope Saves The Day" as your Host Paul Cimins and Co-Host Lynne Glucoft reveal the results of our recent social media question, "Please finish this sentence, 'The Most Exhausting Part of Raising an Autistic Child, Teen, or Adult is..."  We got a ton of responses on this topic.  Paul and Lynne also mull over the topic themselves, as each one has an autistic child as well.  

Show#350 Parents Chime In On Accommodations About Services For Their Child With Aspergers

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Please tune in tonight at 8:00 PM EST when your Host Paul Cimins and Co-Host Lynne Glucoft discuss our social media question of the week. If you have an HFA (High Functioning Autistic Child) or Aspergers child - how hard is it to get the appropriate accommodations for your child to be able to learn? We have heard from many parents that this is a huge problem in the autistic population - Aspergers or HFA children are being shoved aside and not getting the proper accommodations that they need to prosper and learn. We would like to hear from parents or even adults who have gone through this themselves - what did you do? What would you recommend doing? And we'll be speaking with some professionals to get advice on how to handle this problem. 

Show #349 - Parental Guilt

Please tune in tonight at 8:00 PM EST  to our latest addition of our radio show "Hope Saves The Day" - where your Host Paul Cimins and Co-Host Lynne Glucoft discuss the topic of "Parent Guilt".  Every parent can only hope that his/her child will be able to be independent at some point in time.  As our children get older - there is even more pressure to force them to be independent.  We discuss this "parental guilt" -  and the feeling that you're not doing enough to help your child.  

Show#347 Disparity in Services Around The World

Please tune in tonight at 8:00 PM EST when your Host Paul Cimins and Co-Host Lynne Glucoft discuss our social media question of the week.

We would like to discuss autistic services that are available in different parts of the country or in different parts of the world. It seems to us that there is a huge disparity in services that are available depending on what area of the United States you live. Here in New Jersey - we have a variety of services available to us. We have special schools specific to just Autistic Spectrum Disorder. It would be good to discuss areas that need more attention and more services. Please feel free to contact us at 1-877-HOPE-777 and be on our show!!! Or you can also e-mail us your answers at Thanks so much. As always, answers remain anonymous. Thanks so much.

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